Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Back in School

Today was my first day of class at UCCS. I thought today was Monday so I went to a different building, which made me a little late to the class I actually was supposed to be in. I am taking two classes this semester. English and math for el ed teachers. I had english today. The teacher seems ok. She seems pretty nice. I do not like English though, so we'll see how I do in this class.
Oh, and I'm used to BYUI where...well you know BYUI. In my class today my teacher swore at least 4 times. I mean I hear swearing around town but it caught me off guard.
I am not looking forward to being in school. I was enjoying just working and not worrying about homework, studying, tests, etc.

I miss BYUI guys :( I never thought I would say that lol. I miss that whole environment. Nice, welcoming, loving. I think it was the comfort of knowing we all had something in common. We all believed the same thing, we all did the same thing on Sundays and Mondays and Tuesdays for devotional lol.

Sunday, January 20, 2013


Well it's a new year. I meant to post this weeks ago but didn't get around to it.

2012 was a good year. We got to celebrate our marriage with friends and family. We got a much better apartment. Drew got a lead job at his work. And I got to go back to California!!

2013 is going to be an even better year. Drew and I have a few goals for this year and a few of my own or maybe just one lol. Jenny, I'm sure you know what it is. Our number one goal for this year is to go to the temple together and get sealed. I have been longing for that moment. It is going to be special. We also want to buy a home doesn't have to be a million dollar home but something to start off and then rent it out to someone. We also want to get a new car. My old 91' Oldsmobile is quite a trooper but it doesn't have much left in her. We also want to strengthen our relationship and go on more dates. I found this cute idea on Pinterest and pretty much copied it but came up with some neat dates. Here are some pics of it. I used a scrapbook we bought when we first got married and just used scrapbook paper from Michael's that was on sale and made my own little envelopes from printer paper.

I am looking forward to finding what this new year will bring us. Oh and we are going to Puerto Rico in March! Drew won a trip from his work. I love my husband. He definitely deserves it, he works so hard. Our long awaited honeymoon!

Oh, and I start school this year...this week actually. Boo!