Monday, November 28, 2011

Doctrine and Covenants 63

This chapter talks about sign seekers and adulterers in the beginning. Those who are sign seekers do not have faith. Those who are faithful and humble will recieve the signs they seek but not in their time but in the Lord's time.

Lusting is being more concerned about your own physical appetite and not the other person's needs. The Lord discourages lusting.

Both sign seeking and lusting are similar in several ways. They both are of the devil. In both, there is a lack of faith and humility and trust in the Lord. With both you are always seeking and never fully satisfied. They will never bring true happiness.

Friday, November 18, 2011

Lazy Bum

I got the day off from both jobs and got to work on some homework. I still have to do a critique feedback for my english class. My partner already did mine and I have yet to do hers. I am just so over school. I have about 4 weeks left of school and I am just so worn out. I think this is the time that students try to feel like this. Drew is starting to feel like this and my mom and my friend Ariel. I am just so over it. Guess it is not too much longer. I just wish I were done with school all together. Why can't I just be a stay at home wife? That would be ideal. I wouldn't be a lazy bum. I would clean the house, cook, do crafts, service, etc. Oh the many things I could do haha :) I guess I'll just have to suffer and do school and work two jobs. Kind of kidding about the suffering ;)


I got hives yesterday and they are still here. I have no idea why I got them. They suck! This is the first time I have ever gotten them. I could barely sleep, they itched so much. Ughhh!!! I don't know what to do. I have an appointment with the doctor later today. Oh and they are on my face as well. Called off work this morning and I actually wanted to go today. My back is covered with them and my tummy and under my chin and neck and back of my neck and legs. Oh this is horrible! How long do these things last???

Thursday, November 17, 2011

Doctrine and Covenants 52

There are many men in this section of the Doctrine and Covenants that we do not really know much of. I certainly did not recognize most of these names. We can learn so much from these men. Knowing what their lives were like can help us become better disicples ourselves.

Levi Hancock was called on a mission and accepted without hesitation even though it involved walking hundreds of miles. It is amazing that Levi had such faith.

Wheeler Baldwin and William Carter were called to serve as missionaries bur William Carter refused the call leaving Wheeler Baldwin without a companion. Wheeler Baldwin stayed in Kirtland to help saints there.

Ezra Booth was previously a Methodist priest who joined the church after seeing somebody healed. He latter fell away and fought against the church. From Ezra Booth we can see that miracles aren’t what gives us a testimony.

Newel Knight was a close friend of the prophet he was called to serve as a missionary but was unable to fulfill his call.

Parley P. Pratt and Orson Pratt were called to serve a mission together. Because of their willingness to serve the Lord, they took longer to return to Kirtland. They found opportunities to teach along the way back home.

Reynolds Cahoon and Samuel H. Smith served as missionaries and suffered much hardship but were faithful in their calling.

Heman Bassett was a young man who received a mission call but did not fulfill it so it was in turn given to Simons Ryder.

Thursday, November 10, 2011

Kindergarten Days

Oh my word! Today was just crazy. Not only the kindergarteners. I wanted to strangle some of the kids today. They were out of control. Guess it was because it was their Friday today. No school tomorrow because it is Veteran's Day. I had to tell them over and over to not climb up the slide, no chasing, hands to themselves, no running on the blacktop. AHHHHH!!! Oh and their attitudes. Some talked back. I told one kindergartener today to do something and he said no! Little boy if a teacher tells you something, you do  it without questioning. I also told him to be quieter and he was ignoring me. I had to call his name like 15 times pretty much.

Oh I think it was a second grader who said this. I asked this girl as we were walking to the playground for lunch recess what she had for lunch. She replied, "Ham cheese sandwich. But the cheese plugged me up." Ummm......ok. Thanks for sharing little girl.

Glad it is the weekend. Long three day weekend from school. Woooo!!! Oh I also had my picture taken at school. Once I get them I will put up a picture. Don't you guys worry.

Doctrine and Covenants 43

“When I was 31, I died in a hospital after undergoing surgery. What happened next has been called by some ‘the most profound near-death experience ever.’ Well, it was certainly most profound for me, anyway. I journeyed to a beautiful world beyond this life. I met Jesus there. He gave me a message to give to others when I returned. In my book I share that message. I describe the wonderful places I visited and the loving people that welcomed me.”

  • What are some of the “red flags” that you should be careful about regarding what this person is doing?
Well according to Elder Oaks talk "Two Lines of Communication" he says, "the means of communication from God to man—is conferred by priesthood authority as authorized by those holding priesthood keys. It does not come merely by desire or belief." We do not know if this person has that authority to pretty say he has recieved revelation for the world. It does not sound like they do. We know that the prophet is the only one on Earth that has that authority to communicate with God and recieve revelation for us.

Elder Oaks clearly states that their are two lines of communication. One is the personal line where we communicate with the Lord personally through prayer and recieve answers through the Holy Ghost according to our worthiness. The other line is the priesthood line. Authority is key in this line. Whomever has the right authority like President Monson, tells us what the Lord wants him to tell us.
  • How does D&C 43:2, 5–6 help us discern and act towards this individual?
The Lord tells us that the commandment which has been given to us is given to us through whom He has appointed to recieve revelations from Him.
The Lord also instructs the people to not receive the the teachings of any that shall come before them as revelations or commandments. There are many that say that they have been instructed by the Lord to share something with the world but we know that you need the correct authority to do so. Satan is the master of llies. He will be the one behind most of the instances where people say they are called to share something with the world.
I love verse six. "And this I give unto you that you may not be deceived, that you may know they are not of me." The Lord has told us what to look for and know what things really do come from Him.
  • What are some reasons Latter-day Saints buy into revelations and commandments that come from other sources besides the president of the Church and how do Elder Oaks’ remarks help us to avoid such a mistake?
Well the stories could just persuade them to believe that it is correct. Elder Oaks stated, "The devil is the father of lies, and he is ever anxious to frustrate the work of God by his clever imitations." They may be tricky but we can use the personal line to ask for ourselves if they are really true. Just like we ask if the Book of Mormon is true. We can pray and ask for ourselves. We also know that the Prophet is the one with the authority to share revelations given from the Lord.
  • Why do we gather? (43:8–14) Please give three meaningful answers.
Verse 8 tells us that when we assemble together we should instruct and edify each other. It also says that from gathering we may know how to act and direct His church. Also how to act upon the points of His law and commandments which He has given.
  • What three additional principles would God like you to understand about the gathering from 43:15–35?
Verse 15 tells us we are to teach the children of men and in verse 20 it says to call upon the nations to repent. By gathering we can teach others the truth and bring them to the Church. Also in verse 20 it says to prepare for the great day of the Lord. By gathering we can help each other out in preparing for that great day.

Monday, November 7, 2011

5 Things!

5 things I was doing 10 years ago
1. Trying to understand exactly what happened on 9/11
2. Since Halloween just passed, I actually remember my fifth grade class having a Halloween party and bobbing for apples.
3. Wanting to wear makup
4. Angry about my eyebrows and bugging my mom to pluck them.
5. Living in Monterey, CA just a block away from the beach.

5 things on my to-do list today
1. Do laundry
2. Take a shower
3. Start on my homework for the week
4. Call my mom
5. Blog

5 things I'd do if I were a millionaire
1. Buy a house in California with an ocean view
2. Buy myself a really nice car or any car. I need a car!
3. Go on a shopping spree!! :)
4. Fly to California to visit my mom and buy her a ticket to come visit me.
5. Visit everywhere I have ever wanted to with my husband. (New York, Maui, Italy, Paris, Japan, China.....)
5 things I'd never wear again
1. Headbands. I'm over that stage. I'm a grown-up now.
2. Flats. They make my feet hurt but I will probably end up wearing them when I teach.
3. Those chokers from back in the day. Who even made them cool? They're not.
4. Poncho. Girls Scouts, Girl's Camp what were you thinking?
5. Short skirt with Uggs when it's cold. What was I thinking my freshman year??
5 favorite toys
1. iPhone 4
2. Laptop
3. Oven! Love to bake.
4. Our Suzi! (car) How would I get around without her?
5. Straightner
Your turn to do this!

Saturday, November 5, 2011


Well I wish I actually had weekends. I work Monday through Friday 8-2 at the elementary school and for Red Robin I work Tuesday nights Friday nights and Saturday mornings. Oh and well let's not forget homework. My life is either school or work and I hate it. I want to spend Saturdays out with my husband and enjoy time together but he has homework as well. Sundays are our days off but well we have church and it is the Sabbath.

The other thing I really hate about being out here is that I have ZERO friends here and ZERO family. I have my in-laws and I love them but I don't want to bug them too much. Having nobody here makes me super sad sometimes. It makes me want to be back in Idaho with my friends or back in Cali with my mom. Maybe I just need a baby to keep me company lol okay not really but perhaps a puppy.

Thursday, November 3, 2011

D&C 42

The Lord gave the saints several laws to follow in this section.

Verse 8- build up my church in every region.
Verse 12- teach the principles of my gospel, which are in the Bible and the Book of Mormon, in the which is the fulness of the gospel.
Verse 18- Thou shalt not kill; and he that kills shall not have forgiveness in this world, nor in the world to come.
Verse 20- Thou shalt not steal; and he that stealeth and will not repent shall be cast out.
Verse 21- Thou shalt not lie; he that lieth and will not repent shall be cast out.
Verse 22- Thou shalt love thy wife with all thy heart, and shalt cleave unto her and none else.
Verse 24- Thou shalt not commit adultery

I chose these laws because they are good to know. We are to do everything we can to share the gospel with others. Why wouldn't you want to share the knowledge you have with those you care about?

We see in the news people killing, stealing, lying. We hear all these bad things. The world is just so evil today. God gave us these laws to follow because he wants the best for us. I just don't understand how someone can just go ahead and kill someone. They are taking someone's life. They may feel angry with the person that they want to kill them but it is not their call to end someones life.

People steal and lie to get away with something. When I lie I just feel sick inside and dishonest. Those that do steal and lie must feel the same way at some point. I feel like the nature of man in this world is selfishness. They do whatever to gain something for themselves.

Commiting adultery is the most selfish thing I feel that you can do. You are married to your spouse. You have commited to be in the relationship fully. The nature of man is to lust not love and so that is why I think people commit adultery. They want pleasure from whomever they can find.

God knows the importance of family. We can be with them forever. He loves us and wants the best for us that is why he has given us laws to follow.

All these laws apply to my life. I can teach the principles of the gospel to people I meet at work. I have plenty of opportunities to share the gospel. I can also teach the principles in my home when I have children. I know that I should not kill. If someone makes me mad I am not just going to solve it by killing them. That is not my decision to end someone's life. I know not to lie or steal. I may want to at times but I am not going to. I work at Red Robin and sometimes I want to just have food without paying but that is dishonest and I would not feel good if I did that. I just got married in July so the law about loving your spouse applies to me. I love my husband with all my heart. I am going to be loyal to him and not seek after other men.

Car issues

We now just have one car, Drew's car. My dad picked up my bug in Denver on Saturday. We can't afford to make the payments on it and neither can my dad so he is going to try to sell it. It is pretty difficult just having one car though. It has been quite a challenge for me. I have had a car for like 5 years and now I don't. We are trying to work it out though. Hopefully we can get another car soon.

Our car got broken into last night. No damages or anything so that was good but they did take one thing.
Drew went out to warm up the car and came back inside to look for his jacket then we both went outside. He asked if I had left the arm rest open and I said no. When I got in I noticed that the glove compartment was open so I asked him if he had opened it and he said he hadn't. We checked to see if everything was there. My Ray-Bans were still there. My camera with the extra battery next to it were still in the glove box. Drew even said it looked cleaner in the back. His backback and books were still there. The only thing that they took was Drew's only jacket. Guess all they needed was a jacket.

Juniper and Niblet.....

You have requested that I post about my life and not just homework. Well okay, I will.

I have a new job as a kindergarten aide. I absolutely love it. They can be really annoying at times but I am just so surprised at how much they already know.
Today when we were on the carpet the teacher was talking about synonyms. She didn't say that word but asked the class for words that meant the same. She asked if they knew any other words that meant happy. A lot of kids messed around and answered "really really happy" or "super super dooper happy" and so forth but this little boy named Jin answered "jubilant". Um what? You are five years old and you know this word? It surprised me and the teacher. Of course he is part Asian hahaha. I still can't get over that. Man I hope our kids are smart.

I am sure I will have more kindergarten stories for you guys. Don't you worry Nat and Jun :)