Friday, April 27, 2012

Acquired talent

So I have been looking on pinterest for new hair styles and have fallen in love with the waterfall braid. I have been wanting to have it for weeks now. I finally tried it today. I think I did a good job for first trying it out. I love it! It's a super cute braid.
Here's a pic of how it turned out. What do you think?

Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Back to School.....Yuck!

Well my vacation is officially over as of last week. Spring semester started exactly a week ago. I am just taking one class, Pakistan. I don't understand why Pakistan would be a general class. I just hope it isn't too hard. It is my last class in order to receive my Associates and then move on to transferring to UCCS and getting my Bachelor degree.

I miss the time that I used to have when I didn't have school and only one job. I am so over school, but I have many more years of it ahead of me. I just need to stay focused, especially this semester. I just need to pass this one class and then I move on to my next step in life. I am so excited to get my Associates. I will then feel like I am half way there and less stressed out. Well guys, wish me luck. Oh, and my finals week for this class is the week of the sealing and reception and when all my family will be in town. Suck! I am going to be so stressed out then and throughout the semester, I will be worrying about wedding planning and school and work. Ugh! We'll see how it goes. I have to do good in this class or I am going to be so mad at myself for not finishing my Associates when I should have.

Friday, April 20, 2012

Happy Birthday Drew!!

Drew's birthday was yesterday. He is now 23. What an old man! :) I got balloons filled with helium and hid them in the storage closet. I got up before he did yesterday and snuck the balloons a couple at a time into our bedroom. They also had little notes at the end of each balloon saying why I love him. He was so surprised when he woke up. I also got him a card and put it on the door knob for him. He didn't have enough time to read the notes so he took them with him. I also got him a birthday cookie for him to come home to. He already had a birthday cake from work. We didn't see each other again until 1040 when I got home.

We are celebrating his birthday tomorrow so I was going to save his presents until then but he got me to give them to him last night. I got him two pairs of shoes he really wanted. Tomorrow we are going to have dinner at Tucano's to celebrate his birthday. I'm pretty excited. I've heard so many good things about that place.

Busy Busy

This week has been extremely busy.
I started my new job at Panda on Monday. I was supposed to be there from 3-830 but they asked if I could stay to close so I could learn how to close. They wanted me to close on Wednesday so I said ok. I ended up staying till 1045 and didn't get home till 11. I also had to shower and get ready for the zoo field trip the next day with the kindergarteners. I also started my online class on Tuesday. Tuesday was my only day off of panda and I did homework. I worked school and panda Wednesday, Thursday, and today. Thursday was also Drew's birthday. Tomorrow is my bridal shower too.

I sort of liked just working 8-2 and not having school. Had so much time to get things done and relax.

Well the zoo was fun. Here's a few pics and videos. I just have to say that that zoo was smelly. The monkey pavilion place was so bad it made me gag.