Thursday, November 3, 2011

Car issues

We now just have one car, Drew's car. My dad picked up my bug in Denver on Saturday. We can't afford to make the payments on it and neither can my dad so he is going to try to sell it. It is pretty difficult just having one car though. It has been quite a challenge for me. I have had a car for like 5 years and now I don't. We are trying to work it out though. Hopefully we can get another car soon.

Our car got broken into last night. No damages or anything so that was good but they did take one thing.
Drew went out to warm up the car and came back inside to look for his jacket then we both went outside. He asked if I had left the arm rest open and I said no. When I got in I noticed that the glove compartment was open so I asked him if he had opened it and he said he hadn't. We checked to see if everything was there. My Ray-Bans were still there. My camera with the extra battery next to it were still in the glove box. Drew even said it looked cleaner in the back. His backback and books were still there. The only thing that they took was Drew's only jacket. Guess all they needed was a jacket.

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