Yup you read that right, I'm engaged!!!!!!!!
So I got engaged on July 8th at like 1 in the morning.
Drew and I were watching Boot Camp on Netflix. It has Jackie from That 70's Show in it. When it ended Drew asked me if I wanted to go to a look out or go on the roof and look at the stars. I said no, I was tired. Yeah, I know, I know I ruined it. So we were just sitting in the living room. He was on the floor and I was laying on the couch. He had taken my promise ring earlier and I forgot about that and then I started to freak out thinking I lost it but he gave it back to me. We were just talking and then he then said, "I want a kiss". I said, "OK." and he kissed me. He then said he wanted a hug and I said ok and he hugged me. Then he said, "I want to spend the rest of my life with you." I said, "OK." and he kissed me. But this time I said, "That's not spending the rest of your life with me." Then he said, "I want to marry you." and same thing again. He then asked me if I would marry him like just asking to see what I would say and I said yes. Then a minute later he asked me again but this time with the ring. I was so surprised I asked what that was and he said it was an engagement ring. I replied saying, "No it's not!" and he said, "Yes, it is." I kept saying "No it's not!" because I just couldn't believe it. I of course said yes and he told me he loves me and why he loves me and I started to cry. He did too.
Well that's the story. AHHHHHH!!!!! I"M ENGAGED!!!!! :D
Oh yeah, you probably want to see the ring. Here it is! The first one is my promise ring. I took that picture on Thursday because I got my nails done that day and I thought they were pretty so I took a picture :)
That's it! Oh I love it!!!! On the side it looks like the eiffel tower and the other side like the space needle according to Drew. I would show you guys but it's getting resized right now.
Also, please do not mention this on my facebook. Thank you!
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