Wednesday, June 15, 2011


Monday Drew and I got to go to Waterworld in Denver with Jeff and Jenny. hahaha just realized both their names start with j's and our names start with d's. Anyways, we drove up to Denver in the morning so we could spend all day at the water park. There was some traffic getting into Denver and Jeff was driving Jenny's car. We were going about 60 and the car in front of us well was going very slow or stopped and Jenny says "woah!" All of a sudden it was like I was in an action film. Jeff slammed on the brake and well we were not going to stop in time so he turned the wheel sharply to the left and we drove on the emergency lane and passed the guy in front of us and then went in front of him like a normal pass. Man did my heart stop for a bit. Glad we didn't get in an accident though. The rest of the day was way fun! Went on pretty much every ride there. I was so tired by the time we left I fell asleep in the car before we even made it to the freeway and slept the whole way home. I wish we would have taken pictures. I bought a new swimsuit for this too.
Well we got back to the Springs and went to Red Robin for dinner. It was so tasty!! Man, freckled lemonades are like a drug to me. LLLOOOOVVVVVEEEE those things!

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