1 Behold, I say unto you, David, that you have afeared man and have not brelied on me for strength as you ought.
2 But your mind has been on the things of the aearth more than on the things of me, your Maker, and the ministry whereunto you have been called; and you have not given heed unto my bSpirit, and to those who were set over you, but have been persuaded by those whom I have not commanded.
3 Wherefore, you are left to inquire for yourself at my hand, and aponder upon the things which you have received.
4 And your home shall be at your afather’s house, until I give unto you further commandments. And you shall attend to the bministry in the church, and before the world, and in the regions round about. Amen.
I'm sure it was very difficult for David Whitmer to not fear man when the Church was brand new and there was a lot of mocking and persecution.
Today there are many who fear man over God. I too at times fear that I will be judged for what I believe. It seems silly when you think about it really. There is no need to fear man. The Lord knows what is best and is here to guide and help us. The Lord will not give us anything we cannot handle. D&C 122:7-9 is a great scripture about trials and tribulation and why we have them. They are for our good and so we can grow and learn from them.
I had an experience where I felt like I would be judged of my beliefs so I stayed quiet and tried not to talk about it. This was pretty stupid of me. I had a great opportunity to share the gospel and bless others with my knowledge of the truth but instead I dissapointed the Lord and let man get to me.
We need to focus on the Lord and remember that he loves us and wants the best for us. He has promised us blessings if we obey and follow the commandments he has given us. The Lord is more powerful than man. We need to fear God rather than man.